✦ The hypothetical assets measured up to USD 11 billion, and this led to the loss of around USD 180 billion for the company, and lots of employees in consequence lost their jobs. ✦ CEO Bernie Ebbers was sentenced to 25 years in prison. This was again, one of the major causes for the autumn of the Arthur Anderson audit firm. ✦ This is among the most curious cases of financial fraud that could be remembered for ages. Bernard Madoff was one the founders of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. How?Search Engine Optimization SEO. Large businesses and companies have used SEO ideas for years to develop their brands and reputations. By doing a similar, when hiring managers search for you, they can easily find you and guidance that represents you as the simplest person to rent. 1. Perform a search on your self and delete anything else you don’t need a potential agency to see. Most hiring managers search names as a web reference check for candidates in the interviewing method. I simply tightened my security and disabled almost all notifications aside from updates from Facebook. Under all Notifications, I clicked on Groups and disabled notification emails from Groups. after doing this, my total daily email number decreased from 140 to 44. When I checked my Apps Applications then I wondered seeing many applications, which are of no value to my blogging use. Trimmed separately and at last figured 8 useful applications. Go to Privacy settings.